Do Not Be Afraid To Be A Muffin In A World Full Of Cupcakes

Daily writing prompt
What are you good at?

“I’m good at many things, a lot of them you’ll probably never know about”

Photo by Sara on
  • Writing (My inborn talent)
  • Reading (Yes, someone can be good at reading. Not the entire lot of you can read a 400-500pg book in just a few hours or less. Bet)
  • Sarcasm
  • Baking (Surprisingly enough I am good at this, and bonus it’s a newly discovered relaxation technique)
  • Empathy (Don’t confuse this with caring. I’m good cause this combined with my instincts allows me bloodhound abilities when it comes to sketchy people/situations)
  • Driving (They should really put me in a Fast and the Furious movie, or I should at the least take up stunt driving for fun)
  • Singing badly but having fun (I mean… aren’t most of us good at this?)
  • Shooting/Archery/Axe Throwing (Aim that’s fire 😉 probably all the pent up anger)
  • Coming up with ridiculous but funny code names for coworkers (So when I bring one up in conversation in Teams, if anyone is ever “screening” they won’t know who I’m talking about

Making lists, like this. Because really the biggest thing I’m best at being is myself. Flaws and all.

Published by silversky87

36yrs old, avid reader and aspiring writer. I believe the fire of inspiration can take us to unknown and magical places. I’m a dreamer... Also been through some tough stuff, don’t underestimate me nor bet against me!

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