The Grader Becomes The Graded… Behold! The Tables Have Turned

Daily writing prompt
What makes a teacher great?

“I never cared for teachers. Sure they work hard for bad pay, have to deal with brats all day, get a bad rap, etc… but most of mine weren’t that nice and they knew I had it bad at home”

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko on

I had a math teacher, maybe Geometry or Algebra? Can’t remember. This was Senior year folks, 2007. I’m not old, but this wasn’t yesterday. Anyway, she was half my height and mean as a badger. If you’re not from WI, you won’t get that reference. I struggled, and still struggle with math. She didn’t care. I missed my diploma by two math credits (earned my GED down here, just a few months later) She literally called me out in class one day that I wasn’t graduating with my class, in front of everyone. I wasn’t living with my mother at this time, but I was still dealing with a lot… it hurt, and I left the class to see the counselor.

Teachers should be tough. They shouldn’t take ANY nonsense, disrespect, or general BS from these entitled snowflakes being raised up today. However, teachers should still be compassionate, understanding, and have a touch of empathy.

It’s an extremely difficult line to walk. Not everyone can tow it. I couldn’t do it. Especially with HS students. Oh I’d be in there whooping some serious a** with these sh*t heads. There is a line though, and while kids can be a handful, they do also deserve respect. You can’t ask it and then not give it.

Published by silversky87

37yrs old, avid reader and aspiring writer. I believe the fire of inspiration can take us to unknown and magical places. I’m a dreamer... Also been through some tough stuff, don’t underestimate me nor bet against me!

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