Everything Is Silence…

“Not feeling is weird. Your body tries to attempt emotion and your mind is like DENIED”

I used to hate being numb

That disconnect between the world and I

Couldn’t cry, get angry, or really enjoy anything with my heart in it

Now I don’t mind so much

Life hurts so damn much

So what if I want a hiatus from it all

I’m still here

Still paying the bills, feeding my dog & cats, keeping my house clean, putting gas in the car, etc…

Only difference is…

I don’t care

I’m numb to all of it

Numb to all of you and the pain

Published by silversky87

37yrs old, avid reader and aspiring writer. I believe the fire of inspiration can take us to unknown and magical places. I’m a dreamer... Also been through some tough stuff, don’t underestimate me nor bet against me!

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