Don’t Rise Up To Me Unless You Got A Plan Man…

Daily writing prompt
On what subject(s) are you an authority?

“When you say you are an ‘authority figure’ on something; I immediately think to myself… prove it or lose it lipsmackers”

Photo by Yan Krukau on

This doesn’t even require a lengthy explanation, because you know what? I’m not an authoritative figure but on one simple thing…

Sarcasm b*tches!! That’s right, heavy is the head that wears the crown. Or is it holds the crown? Eh whatever… I proudly hold the mantle in my family tree.

Obviously not the world. There are what? A zillion other people currently populating this round globe we call Earth. I wouldn’t be that full of myself to think I could out-talk EVERYONE else. Sarcasm competitions should totally be a thing… put it on a ballot; I’d vote for it.

Way more fun than just your average political elections. Peace out! 😉

Published by silversky87

37yrs old, avid reader and aspiring writer. I believe the fire of inspiration can take us to unknown and magical places. I’m a dreamer... Also been through some tough stuff, don’t underestimate me nor bet against me!

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