37 Candles… And None The Wiser

Photo by Ylanite Koppens on Pexels.com

“Older but not old… still young but not sporting that youthful ability to bend over and not hear every bone crack in protest”

At what point does aging become such a pain in the a**? For me it was when I was 7. I started young, as a lot of us do.

Nothing remarkable happened from 36-37. Which is what bothers me. Time is passing so fast. It seems like yesterday I was 27, no, that was a whole decade ago. Now; I’m only 3 years away from forty. Another milestone age. I suppose I should be happy. I come from bad genetics and both parents dying young. The fact that I’m aging gracefully, no one believing me when I say I’m 37, and managing my health like I do… I hope to meet a kinder fate.

When I was out to dinner with my aunt and uncle the night of my birthday, we were privy to seeing the always obnoxious, loud, but endearing birthday singing to an older lady. She was turning 76. Her little granddaughter was standing up on the booth leaning on her and she had a great big smile as the staff sung to her and shouted, “YeeHaw!”

I hope that is me down the line. Minus the kid and the “Yeehaw!”

Published by silversky87

37yrs old, avid reader and aspiring writer. I believe the fire of inspiration can take us to unknown and magical places. I’m a dreamer... Also been through some tough stuff, don’t underestimate me nor bet against me!

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