Is Screaming To Angry Lyrics In The Car Not Considered Healthy?

Daily writing prompt
How do you practice self-care?

“Not sure I do. I eat a lot of cookie dough when I’m stressed and watch my favorite comedian, does that count?”

Photo by Taryn Elliott on

Self-care. Not really my jam.

I was taught that any type of caring for myself in any shape or form was incredibly selfish. I obviously know better now, but I do not “practice” it very well as an adult now.

Aromatherapy, meditation, warm baths w/oils & salts, overindulgent skin/hair care, etc… Can’t do none of it. If the male species didn’t annoy the crap outta me; I wish I could be one. It’s hard being a woman. I’m not even girly and I find myself suddenly adding 30min to morning routine now.

Self-care takes many forms for many people I would guess.

For me? I like to sing badly in the car to my favorite Glee hits and when I really need to let it out, Linkin Park and Imagine Dragons. Even some AC/DC. Music is my self-care. Baking is now a close second. More like relaxants in my case.

So when someone irritates me and I wanna commit a crime; I have something to do instead of the time 🙂

Published by silversky87

37yrs old, avid reader and aspiring writer. I believe the fire of inspiration can take us to unknown and magical places. I’m a dreamer... Also been through some tough stuff, don’t underestimate me nor bet against me!

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